This TedTalk explains how technology has not only changed the human race, but specifically generation Z. Being a young adult (and generation Z) I am able to look back at my childhood and see how much technology has evolved in such a short amount of time. I am able to say that my generation was the first to completely rely on technology for education (being given an iPad for school as early as 8th grade). My life relies and is consumed by technology in all aspects, and I am not happy about it!
In this TedTalk, Bella Muri explains how the values: trust, truth, and patience have been destroyed for generation Z. We can not trust anymore that hard work and a college degree will land us our dream job and make us enough money to retire. Well that isn't the case anymore, technologies are now taking the jobs human once did. The truth is getting harder and harder to find. The internet is full of lies and at this point I can hardly tell fake news from real because it is EVERYWHERE! And lastly, patience. I have noticed I have very little patience. If I am waiting on a website for more than 3 seconds, I exit out. I have become so use to fast pace life that I become annoyed when spending time on things that could be spent somewhere else.
My relationship, and dependency, with technology has only worsened as I have gotten older. Every single hour of my day, except sleep, most likely involves technology. If I am even on a walk, every 5 minutes I am looking down at my Apple Watch to see how many calories I have burned. I spend an extremely unhealthy amount of my day using devices. I have not even realized this issue until the last 2 months being isolated in quarantine due to Covid-19. This is an issue that I know I am not alone in.
Overall, technology had informed me in more than 1 million possible ways, but has lead me down a path that I did not even realize I was on. This path consists of unhealthy amounts of social media use, being impatient, developing trust issues, and so much more. I envy the childhood and early adult years my parents and grandparents had without technology!